Solicitation for Proposals to Perform Nuclear Physics Research at the High Intensity Gamma Ray Source (HIγS) – 2025

Proposal Submission Deadline: May 23, 2025

HIγS PAC Meeting Date: July 1 - 2, 2025

Duke FEL Lab
 Duke FEL Laboratory building housing the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source and the storage ring FEL.

This is the regular call for proposals for nuclear-physics experiments at the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIγS).  New proposals will be reviewed by the HIγS Program Advisory Committee (PAC) at its next meeting. The proposal submission deadline and date of the next HIγS PAC meeting are given above.  Priority will be given to proposals that include TUNL collaborators. 

We plan to operate HIγS for about 1500 hours per year for nuclear physics research. Experiments which are approved by this PAC will be placed in the run queue and may be scheduled for beam time as early as the fall 2025.  Beams with energies from about 2 MeV up to 110 MeV are available.  Proposal submission instructions, proposal template (cover page and narrative), and details of the beam delivery capabilities at HIγS are posted below.

There is an experiment jeopardy policy at HIγS.  Experiments that have not been scheduled for final beam time within three years of being approved by the PAC are in jeopardy of being deleted from the HIγS scheduling queue.  Spokespersons for experiments approaching jeopardy this year will be contacted via email to inquire about their plan for the experiment. 

We welcome requests for the development of new accelerator capabilities. Interested users should submit a letter of intent (LOI) describing the scientific motivation and the required new gamma-ray beam technical specifications, e.g., energy, minimum energy resolution, intensity, polarization and helicity orientation capabilities. Your input is important for focusing the HIγS accelerator R&D program to better serve the photonuclear research community. Those planning to submit such a LOI are encouraged to contact Professor Ying Wu (wuy@duke.edu) prior to the submission.

Questions about the proposal submission process should be directed to Shaun Diehl at shaun.diehl@duke.edu.


A table of available HIγS beam parameters may be downloaded at the following location:


Links to Microsoft Word and LaTeX (coming soon) template files are given below:

HIGS Proposal Template File (MS Word)


Submit Your Proposal Here