1. Policies
As part of its goal of advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of nuclear physics, the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) affirms a policy of equal opportunity for all those who work at TUNL.
This policy requires that all members of TUNL, as well as all visitors, conduct their professional activities without discrimination or harassment in regard to personal factors, including (but not limited to) gender, gender identity, race, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws. Because respect for individuals is integral to achieving a positive work environment, it is the policy of TUNL that harassment of colleagues and co-workers in the professional environment, including sexual or racial harassment, is unacceptable behavior. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Bullying, which is defined as unwelcome, aggressive behavior involving the use of influence, threat, intimidation, or coercion to dominate others in the professional environment, will also not be tolerated.
2. Professional Conduct
3. Guidelines for Authorship
4. Violations of the Code of Conduct
5. Contacts and Links
TSSC Contact Information:
- NCCU: Mohammad Ahmed mahmed2@nccu.edu
- Duke: Calvin Howell howell@tunl.duke.edu
- NC-State: Paul Huffman paul_huffman@ncsu.edu
- Director: Robert Janssens rvfj@email.unc.edu
- UNC-CH: John Wilkerson jfw@unc.edu
Climate Committee:
- Duke: Alex Crowell crowell@tunl.duke.edu
- NC-State: Matt Green mpgreen2@ncsu.edu
- UNC-CH: Reyco Henning rhenning@unc.edu
- NCCU: Diane Markoff dmarkoff@nccu.edu
- Duke: Brogan Thomas btt6@duke.edu
Consortium University Title IX or Similar Offices:
- Duke University: https://oie.duke.edu/sexual-misconduct-title-ix
- North Carolina Central University: https://www.nccu.edu/administration/title-ix
- North Carolina State University: https://diversity.ncsu.edu/title-ix/
- UNC Chapel Hill: https://safe.unc.edu
- Duke Ombudsperson: https://oie.duke.edu/ombuds
- Duke Department of Physics Code of Conduct: https://physics.duke.edu/physics-department-statement-conduct
- NSF Policy on Harassment and Reporting: https://www.nsf.gov/od/oecr/harassment.jsp
- DOE Research and Conduct Policies: https://science.osti.gov/bes/Research/Research-Conduct-Policies
6. Assent to the Code of Conduct
All TUNL personnel and visitors are required to abide by the Code of Conduct. Please click the button below to acknowledge your assent to the Code of Conduct.
Click to assent to the Code of Conduct
Policy updated 1/2022