All positions for the 2024 REU Program have been filled.
The program dates are May 19 - July 27, 2024.
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs provide opportunities for students to participate in science and mathematics research at institutions throughout the country. REU programs are especially valuable for students attending academic institutions with very limited research opportunities. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the REU program at TUNL/Duke enables students to participate in research at the frontiers of nuclear and particle physics.
Students participate in a 10-week summer program combining research experience, lectures, and social activities. Students applying to this program have a choice of indicating their preference to work in one of two research components: (1) nuclear and particle physics at TUNL or (2) high-energy particle physics with the Duke High-Energy Physics (HEP) group. Students who are selected to work with the Duke High-Energy Physics program will spend about 6 weeks of the 10-week summer program at CERN. The REU students will conduct research under the supervision of faculty from the TUNL consortium universities: Duke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Each student is fully integrated into a research group and works closely with graduate students, postdocs and other undergraduate students in the group and has opportunities to interact with other groups at TUNL and the High-Energy Physics group at Duke. The students are assigned well-defined projects that are often part of a larger research project or program.
The program provides a lecture series for undergraduate students that covers a wide range of topics. Subjects include an introduction to nuclear physics concepts, historical reviews of physics, and the relationship between physics and everything else (for example, medicine, art, society).
In addition, various social activities on and off the research site allow for comfortable interaction between undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral research staff, and faculty. The TUNL Informal Lunch Talks (TILT) gatherings every week involve pizza and a presentation by either a grad student or postdoc. Attended by only students and postdocs, the TILT meetings are a great atmosphere for discussions both of physics and anything else.
The TUNL REU Program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-2150118.